
The contents of the element AtPageCreation is executed the first time the page is accessed. This is used in Pagetype.

Child elements

AddSearchpath, AttachFile, Bookmark, ClearPage, Copy-of, DefineColor, DefineFontalias, DefineFontfamily, DefineMatter, DefineTextformat, ForAll, Group, Hyphenation, Include, InsertPages, Layout, LoadDataset, Loop, Message, NextFrame, NextRow, Options, Output, PDFOptions, Pageformat, Pagetype, PlaceObject, ProcessNode, SaveDataset, SavePages, SetGrid, SetVariable, SortSequence, StructureElement, Switch, Until, Value, While

Parent elements



graphic (text, optional, since version 4.3.14)

The name of a metapost graphic.


  <PlaceObject column="1" row="1">
        <Value select="$pageheader"/>

See also

Commands <AtPageShipout> and <Pagetype> as well as the section Page types.