
since version 4.3.5

Define a new section of the document.

#Child elements


#Parent elements

AtPageCreation, AtPageShipout, Case, Contents, ForAll, Layout, Loop, Otherwise, Record, SavePages, Until, While


label (optional)

Set label for the user-visible page number.


Set the page number to decimal arabic numerals.


Set the page numbering to lowercase romannumeral


Set the page numbering to uppercase romannumeral


Set the page numbering to lowercase letter (a-z)


Set the page numbering to uppercase letter (A-Z)

name (text)

The name of the section to be defined.

prefix (text, optional)

Set the prefix of the displayed page number.

resetafter (yes or no, optional)

Reset page numbering to 1 after this matter.

resetbefore (yes or no, optional)

Set the page number to 1 at the section start.


There are two predefined matters: mainmatter (default) and frontmatter (which switches to lowercase romannumeral).


Set the page numbering to “A-1, A-2, …​”

<DefineMatter name="mainmatter" label="decimal" prefix="A-" />

#See also

The chapter on sections or matters.