Configuration file


# this is a comment

foo = "bar"
bar = 123


data = "data.xml"
dummy = false
extradir = []
filter = ""
jobname = "xts"
layout = "layout.xml"
loglevel = "info"
mode = []
quiet = false
runs = 1
systemfonts = false
suppressinfo = false
trace = []
verbose = false

Allowed keys:

Argument Type Description
data string The name of the data file.
layout string The name of the layout file.
dummy boolean Ignore data file and use <data /> as the input XML.
extradir string array Add these directories to the recursive search path
filter string Run a Lua script before the publishing run
jobname string The output name of the PDF, protocol file and other intermediate files.
loglevel string Set the log level. One of "debug", "info", "warn", "error".
quiet boolean Don't output anything, just log to the protocol file.
runs integer Run the layout file several times.
systemfonts boolean Use the fonts from the operating system
verbose boolean Put more debugging information into the protocol file.
trace string array Set one of the trace values. Allowed values are "grid" and "gridallocation".
mode string array Set the modes during the typesetting run.
variables table Set variables.