Define a master page. A master page is chosen depending on the criterion given with the attribute “test”.
Child elements#
AtPageCreation, AtPageShipout, ForAll, PositioningArea
Parent elements#
(text, optional)- Set the margin of the page (defaults to 1cm for each margin). One to four values can be provided, similar to CSS.
(text)- Name of the master page. It is for informational purpose and as a selection for ClearPage.
(XPath expressions)- If this xpath expression evaluates to true, this page is taken as a master page.
The contents of the element at AtPageCreation is executed, as soon as something will be placed on the page. The commands inside AtPageShipout are executed when switching to a new page.
When creating a new page, all page types are tried in reversed order. That means that the later defined master pages have a higher priority. This is important if more than one test in a Masterpage definition evaluates to true.
<DefineMasterpage name="right page" test="sd:odd( sd:current-page() )">
<Margin left="1cm" right="1cm" top="1cm" bottom="1cm"/>
<PositioningArea name="frame1">
<PositioningFrame width="12" height="30" column="2" row="2"/>
<PositioningFrame width="12" height="30" column="16" row="2"/>
<PlaceObject column="1">
<!-- header -->
<PlaceObject column="1">
<!-- footer -->