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Repeat the contents of this element several times.

Child elements#

ClearPage, Column, Li, LoadDataset, Loop, Message, NextFrame, NextRow, Paragraph, PlaceObject, ProcessNode, SaveDataset, SetVariable, Switch, Tr, Until, Value, While

Parent elements#

AtPageCreation, AtPageShipout, Case, Columns, Contents, ForAll, Function, Loop, Otherwise, Record, SaveDataset, Table, Td, Tr, Until, While


select (XPath expressions)
The number of loops. Must be a number or castable as a number.
variable (text, optional)
If given, store the current loop value in this variable. If omitted, the loop value is stored in the variable _loopcounter.


    <Loop select="5" variable="i">
        <Td><Paragraph><Value select="$i"/></Paragraph></Td>

See also#