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Create a loop. All child elements are executed repeatedly until the given condition is true. The return value of Until is the concatenated return value of the child elements.

Child elements#

ClearPage, Column, Li, LoadDataset, Loop, Message, NextFrame, NextRow, Paragraph, PlaceObject, ProcessNode, SaveDataset, SetVariable, Switch, Tr, Until, Value, While

Parent elements#

AtPageCreation, AtPageShipout, Case, Contents, ForAll, Loop, Otherwise, Record, SetVariable, Until, While


test (XPath expressions)
Every time after the the loop is executed, the condition is evaluated. If it is true, the loop exits.


<Record element="data">
  <SetVariable variable="i" select="0"/>
  <Until test="$i = 4">
    <Message select="concat('$i is: ', $i)"/>
    <SetVariable variable="i" select="$i + 1"/>

Gives the following output (in the protocol file)

Message: "$i is: 0.000000"
Message: "$i is: 1.000000"
Message: "$i is: 2.000000"
Message: "$i is: 3.000000"

See also#

<Loop>, <While>, the section about programming.