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Function definitions#

You can define your own functions in the layout file. The following example defines a function called add which takes two arguments and calls it in the <Message> command:

<Layout xmlns=""

    <Record element="data">
        <Message select=" fn:add(4,3) "/>

    <Function name="fn:add">
        <Param name="first" />
        <Param name="second" />
        <Value select="$first + $second " />

The output in the protocol file is

info    Message (line 7): 7.000000

which is what we should expect.

There are a few things to mention:

  • The namespace of the function must be defined in the root element.
  • You can output objects in a function definition.
  • Variables have a local scope.
  • Every command that has a return value contributes to the output of the function:

    The following function definition returns a sequence of two values:

    <Function name="fn:mult-and-add">
        <Param name="first" />
        <Param name="second" />
        <Value select="$first * $second "></Value>
        <Value select="$first + $second "></Value>

A more complex example#

<Layout xmlns=""

    <Stylesheet scope="layout"> Td { border: 1pt solid black; } </Stylesheet>
    <Record element="data">
                <!-- this is one argument (a sequence with two items) -->
                <Value select="fn:cols(('2cm','3cm'))" />
                        <Paragraph><Value>two cm</Value></Paragraph>
                        <Paragraph><Value>three cm</Value></Paragraph>

    <Function name="fn:cols">
        <Param name="colspec" />
            <ForAll select="$colspec">
                <Column width="{.}" />

a simple table

Here the function fn:cols is defined with one parameter. This function is called with one argument: a sequence of two strings. This sequence is stored in the variable colspec. The <ForAll> loop iterates over this sequence and builds the following XML elements:

    <Column width="2cm" />
    <Column width="3cm" />

The curly braces jump into XPath mode and take the current item as an argument. In each iteration of the <ForAll> loop, the current item is set to each value of the sequence.