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XPath expressions#

Attributes select and test expect an XPath expression to get the data. For example the test in a Switch/Case statement must evaluate to true() or false():

<SetVariable variable="a" select="1234"/>
    <Case test="$a > 12">

or the contents of a variable is set like this:

<SetVariable variable="foo" select="data"/>

This selects the child elements of the current node in the data file with the name data. See an XPath 2 introduction for more information on XPath (for example on W3Schools).

All other attributes in the layout file allow a temporary XPath mode using curly braces. In the next example the attributes row, column and backgroundcolor don't allow dynamic settings, but with the curly braces you can jump into XPath evaluation and get the attribute values on the fly:

<Layout xmlns=""
    <Pageformat height="6cm" width="10cm" />
    <SetVariable variable="x" select="12 * 2"/>
    <SetVariable variable="y" select="36 div 2"/>

    <Record element="data">
        <PlaceObject row="{$x}mm" column="{$y}mm">
            <Box height="1cm" width="3cm" backgroundcolor="{ @col }"/>
<data col="goldenrod"></data>

colored box

XML escaping

Since the < is invalid in XML except at the starting position of a tag name (or another XML node), you need to escape it with &lt;. For example a test for “less than” must be written such as test=" 5 &lt; $value". A “greater than” is harmless: test=" 5 > $value " is valid XML.

String values in select/test attributes

If you want to specify a string as a value in select or test, you need to use single or double quotes such as <SetVariable variable="foo" select="'a string'">. Omitting the quotes might fail silently when the contents of the select attribute is interpreted as a child element selection which might be possibly empty.

Layout functions#

The layout functions are in the name space


Return the result of the division width by height of the given image. (< 1 for portrait images, > 1 for landscape).

Argument Type Optional Description
file name string no The name of the file or a URL resource
page number integer yes The page number in the PDF file
pdf box string yes One of the PDF boxes: artbox, cropbox, bleedbox, trimbox mediabox. This defaults to the cropbox. Only useful when the first argument is a PDF file

The return value is a double.


Return the value of the attribute in the data file.

Argument Type Optional Description
attribute name string no The name of the attribute.

Assuming that the variable $attributePrefix contains the string "fo", the following XPath expressions are equivalent: @foo, @*[local-name() = 'foo'], sd:attribute( 'foo' ) and sd:attribute( ($attributePrefix,'o') ) (notice the argument of the last example is a sequence).


Return the current page number.


Return current row within the the area.

Argument Type Optional Description
area string yes The name of the area. It defaults to the default area.


Decode a string with base64 encoding.

Argument Type Optional Description
data string no The base64 encoded data.

The base64 encoded data which has to be stored in a string gets converted into a byte array. Useful for including images stored in the data file. See sd:file-contents() and the base64 example.


Convert a string to HTML.

Argument Type Optional Description
HTML text string no The escaped HTML contents.

Example: sd:decode-html('&lt;b>bold text&lt;/b>') creates a HTML structure like putting <b>bold text</b> in the data file.


Create a lorem ipsum text which is useful for debugging.


Return true if the given number is even.

Argument Type Optional Description
number number no Return true if the number is an even number.


Write the argument to a file in a temporary directory and return the file name.

Argument Type Optional Description
data data array no Write the contents to a temporary file.

Useful for including images stored in the data file. See sd:decode-base64() and the base64 example.


Return true if the file exists.

Argument Type Optional Description
filename string no If the filename is not a full path to the file, the known searching rules apply.


Insert thousands separator into a number.

Argument Type Optional Description
number double no The number to be formatted.
thousands separator string no The string to be inserted as a thousands separator
decimal comma string no The string to be used for the decimal comma

Example: sd:format-number(-12345678.912, ',', '.') returns the string -12,345,678.912, sd:format-number(-12345678.912, '.', ',') the string -12.345.678,912 (last to arguments swapped).

sd:group-height() and sd:group-width()#

Return the height or width of a group.

Argument Type Optional Description
group name string no The name of the group.
unit string yes Return the height/width of the group in the amount of units instead of grid cells.

Example: sd:group-height('mygroup','cm') could return 2.74.

sd:image-height() and sd:image-width()#

Return the height or width of an image.

Argument Type Optional Description
file name string no The name of the file or a URL resource
page number integer yes The page number in the PDF file
pdf box string yes One of the PDF boxes: artbox, cropbox, bleedbox, trimbox mediabox. This defaults to the cropbox. Only useful when the first argument is a PDF file
unit string yes Return the height/width of the image in the amount of units instead of grid cells.

The image dimensions are rather meaningless when the image is a bitmap file (PNG or a JPEG). XTS assumes a PPI (pixels per inch) value of 96. So a 960 pixel wide image has a width of 10 inch or 254 mm. XTS does not extract the PPI values from the image itself.


Return the last page number of the document. This actually returns the number of pages of the previous run, so it might not be accurate if the number of pages changes in a subsequent run.


Interpret the argument as markdown and return HTML.

Argument Type Optional Description
input string no The markdown encoded document text.

Example: sd:markdown( '**strong text**' ) returns the string <strong>strong text</strong> which gets interpreted as HTML.

sd:md5(), sd:sha1(), sd:sha256(), sd:sha512()#

Calculate hash values.

Argument Type Optional Description
source string no The text on which the hash function should calculate the sum.

Example: sd:md5( ('Hello, ', 'world') ) returns the string bc6e6f16b8a077ef5fbc8d59d0b931b9.


Check if mode is set.

Argument Type Optional Description
mode name string no The name of the mode. If it is set, return true, otherwise return false.

Example: sd:mode('print') returns true() if XTS is called with --mode print on the command line.


Return the width of an area in grid cells.

Argument Type Optional Description
area string yes The name of the area. It defaults to the default area.


Return the height of an area in grid cells.

Argument Type Optional Description
area string yes The name of the area. It defaults to the default area.


Return true if the argument is odd.

Argument Type Optional Description
number number no Return true if the number is an odd number.


Return the page number of a marker.

Argument Type Optional Description
name string no Return page number of a marker. The marker has to be defined with the command <Mark>


Return a number as a roman numeral.

Argument Type Optional Description
number number no a number as a roman numeral.

Example: sd:roman-numeral(13) returns the string XIII.


Convert units to other units.

Argument Type Optional Description
length string no The length that should be converted
unit string no The resulting unit
precision number yes The number of digits after the decimal point


Return the number of pages in a graphics file.

Argument Type Optional Description
file name string no The name of the file.

This function returns the number of pages in a PDF file. If the image is not a PDF file, the function returns 1.


Return the value of a variable. The variable name can be created dynamically.

Argument Type Optional Description
variable name string no The name of the variable.

Assuming that the variable $variablePrefix contains the string "fo", the following XPath expressions are equivalent: $foo, sd:variable( 'foo' ) and sd:variable( ($variablePrefix,'o') ) (notice the argument of the last example is a sequence).

XPath functions#

The following XPath functions are implemented. This list follows the structure of the function specification.

Function Accessor Accepts Returns
string string-value an optional item or no argument xs:string

Functions on Numeric Values#

Function Meaning
abs Returns the absolute value of the argument.
ceiling Returns the smallest number with no fractional part that is greater than or equal to the argument.
floor Returns the largest number with no fractional part that is less than or equal to the argument.
round Rounds to the nearest number with no fractional part.

Functions to Assemble and Disassemble Strings#

Function Meaning
codepoints-to-string Creates an xs:string from a sequence of Unicode code points.
string-to-codepoints Returns the sequence of Unicode code points that constitute an xs:string.

Equality and Comparison of Strings#

Function Meaning
compare Returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether the value of the first argument is respectively less than, equal to, or greater than the value of the second argument, according to the rules of the collation that is used.
codepoint-equal Returns true if the two arguments are equal using the Unicode code point collation.

Functions on String Values#

Function Meaning
concat Concatenates two or more xs:anyAtomicType arguments cast to xs:string.
string-join Returns the xs:string produced by concatenating a sequence of xs:strings using an optional separator.
substring Returns the xs:string located at a specified place within an argument xs:string.
string-length Returns the length of the argument.
normalize-space Returns the whitespace-normalized value of the argument.
upper-case Returns the upper-cased value of the argument.
lower-case Returns the lower-cased value of the argument.
translate Returns the first xs:string argument with occurrences of characters contained in the second argument replaced by the character at the corresponding position in the third argument.

Functions Based on Substring Matching#

Function Meaning
contains Indicates whether one xs:string contains another xs:string. A collation may be specified.
starts-with Indicates whether the value of one xs:string begins with the collation units of another xs:string. A collation may be specified.
ends-with Indicates whether the value of one xs:string ends with the collation units of another xs:string. A collation may be specified.
substring-before Returns the collation units of one xs:string that precede in that xs:string the collation units of another xs:string. A collation may be specified.
substring-after Returns the collation units of xs:string that follow in that xs:string the collation units of another xs:string. A collation may be specified.

String Functions that Use Pattern Matching#

Function Meaning
matches Returns an xs:boolean value that indicates whether the value of the first argument is matched by the regular expression that is the value of the second argument.
replace Returns the value of the first argument with every substring matched by the regular expression that is the value of the second argument replaced by the replacement string that is the value of the third argument.
tokenize Returns a sequence of one or more xs:strings whose values are substrings of the value of the first argument separated by substrings that match the regular expression that is the value of the second argument.

Additional Boolean Constructor Functions#

Function Meaning
true Constructs the xs:boolean value 'true'.
false Constructs the xs:boolean value 'false'.

Functions on Boolean Values#

Function Meaning
not Inverts the xs:boolean value of the argument.

Component Extraction Functions on Durations, Dates and Times#

Function Meaning
hours-from-time Returns the hours from an xs:time value.
minutes-from-time Returns the minutes from an xs:time value.
seconds-from-time Returns the seconds from an xs:time value.

Functions on Nodes#

Function Meaning
local-name Returns the local name of the context node or the specified node as an xs:NCName.
number Returns the value of the context item after atomization or the specified argument converted to an xs:double.
Function Meaning
boolean Computes the effective boolean value of the argument sequence.
empty Indicates whether or not the provided sequence is empty.
reverse Reverses the order of items in a sequence.
Function Meaning
count Returns the number of items in a sequence.
max Returns the maximum value from a sequence of comparable values.
min Returns the minimum value from a sequence of comparable values.
Function Meaning
position Returns the position of the context item within the sequence of items currently being processed.
last Returns the number of items in the sequence of items currently being processed.

Context Functions#

Function Meaning
current-dateTime Returns the current xs:dateTime.
current-date Returns the current xs:date.
current-time Returns the current xs:time.