Publisher Webservice APIPRO

The speedata Webservice REST API is now available (but still beta).

The speedata Publisher can be used without local installation. For this purpose, a so-called Software-as-a-Service solution is available at, which can be used via a REST interface.

In order to access the speedata Publisher API, a valid Pro plan must be available and an API key (token) must be generated in the download area. This key can then be used to access all functions.


All methods whose path starts with /v0 must be authenticated with a user name:

curl -u "sdapi_...:" ""

The colon at -u separates the username from the password and is not part of the username.

The username must of course be replaced by your own token, which must be generated at

Overview of the REST methods

Method URL Short description
GET /available Return 200 OK to check if the server is running.
GET /v0/versions List available versions.
POST /v0/publish Start a publishing process.
GET /v0/status/<id> Get the status of a publishing run.
GET /v0/wait/<id> Wait for the PDF to get written.
GET /v0/pdf/<id> Download the PDF.


Without version number. Returns HTTP status 200.


List all available versions. Return is a JSON array in the form ["1.3.12", "1.4.1"] The version can be used as query parameter in /v0/publish.


POST a JSON file to to start the publishing process

    "files": [
            "filename": "layout.xml",
            "contents": "PExheW91dAog..."
            "filename": "data.xml",
            "contents": "PGRhdGE+CiAg..."

The file contents is encoded base64.

The answer is in case of success a session id, such as 340416874 encoded as json: {"id":"340416874"} with a status code 201.

A version number (or the string latest) can be passed as query parameter version, which specifies the desired speedata Publisher version. The default is always the latest developer version. Example: /v0/publish?version=1.2.43


Field Meaning
finished A time stamp in the format “2019-12-05T13:27:29.450219694+01:00” if the run has stopped, otherwise the string ‘null’.
errors The number of errors occured during the publishing run.
errormessages An array of error messages, if any. An error message is a dictionary with the keys “code” and “error”. Se the example.
    "finished": "2019-12-05T13:38:42.855821194+01:00",
    "errors": 1,
    "errormessages": [
            "code": 1,
            "error": "[page 1] Image \"doesnotexist.pdf\" not found!"


The result is the same as in /v0/status. You don’t need to call wait to make sure the PDF file is finished, you can do a call to /v0/pdf/ which waits for the PDF to complete.


To download the PDF, call<id> and replace the <id> with the the id from /v0/publish.

Status codes

The speedata API uses the following status codes:

Status Code Meaning
200 Everything went well
201 The requested publishing run has been created
401 Unauthorized – Your API key is wrong
404 API URL does not exist
422 Something went wrong

In most error cases, a JSON file confirming to RFC 7807 is sent to the client with the following fields:

Field Meaning
type A unique URI of an error
title A short description
detail A more detailed description of the problem
instance The request path
requestid A unique id for debugging purposes


    "detail":"You have provided an incorrect authentication token",
    "title":"Not authorized",
    "requestid": "1234",

Library for the programming language Go

The API is deliberately kept small, so that applications can be quickly created that use the API. For the programming language Go there is a library that makes it easier to use the API.

The documentation can be found at Go dev, the repository is on GitHub at