
This command is used for two different but similar purposes.

1: Everything enclosed in SavePages is saved internally and not placed into the PDF. Useful if the output might be discarded.

2: “Future mode”: Create pages that have been previously reserved by InsertPages.

Child elements

AddSearchpath, AttachFile, Bookmark, ClearPage, Copy-of, DefineColor, DefineFontalias, DefineFontfamily, DefineMatter, DefineTextformat, ForAll, Group, Hyphenation, Include, InsertPages, Layout, LoadDataset, Loop, Message, NextFrame, NextRow, Options, Output, PDFOptions, Pageformat, Pagetype, PlaceObject, ProcessNode, SaveDataset, SavePages, SetGrid, SetVariable, SortSequence, StructureElement, Switch, Until, Value, While

Parent elements

AtPageCreation, AtPageShipout, Case, Contents, ForAll, Loop, Otherwise, Record, SavePages, Until, While


name (text)

The name of the discarded output (1) or for the reserved pages (2). For later/earlier retrieval with InsertPages.


The second mode has been introduced in version 3.7.12.


First mode:

<Record element="data">
  <SavePages name="foo">
    <Loop select="100">
          <Paragraph><Value>Hello world</Value></Paragraph>
  <Message select="sd:count-saved-pages('foo')"/>
  <InsertPages name="foo"/>

“Future mode”

<Layout xmlns=""
    <Pageformat height="5cm" width="5cm"/>

    <Record element="data">
        <InsertPages name="firstpage" pages="1"/>
        <Loop select="4" variable="n">
                        <Value select="$n" />
            <ClearPage />
        <SavePages name="firstpage">
                        <Value>This will be the first page</Value>

See also

The command <InsertPages>, the section Virtual pages and Create table of contents in one go.