
Defines a font family consisting of the shapes “regular”, “bold”, “bold italic” and “italic”. To be used in Paragraph, Textblock, Fontface and Table with the attribute fontfamily.

Child elements

Bold, BoldItalic, Italic, Regular

Parent elements

AtPageCreation, AtPageShipout, Case, Contents, ForAll, Include, Layout, Loop, Otherwise, Record, SavePages, Until, While


fontsize (number)

Font size. Without unit, DTP points are assumed.

leading (number)

Distance between two baselines. Without unit, DTP points are expected.

name (text)

The symbolic name that is used as a reference to access this font family.

scriptsize (length, optional, since version 4.19.31)

Super/subscript font size. Defautlts to 80% of the font size.

subshift (length, optional, since version 4.19.31)

(Down-)shift of subscript. 0pt is on the base line, positive values move down. Defaults to 30% of the font size.

supershift (length, optional, since version 4.19.31)

(Up-)shift of superscript. 0pt is on the base line, positive values move up. Defaults to 30% of the font size.


The default fontface is named »text« and it can be redefined by defining a new font family called »text«.

The variants bold, italic and bold italic are optional.


<DefineFontfamily name="Title" fontsize="12" leading="14">
  <Regular fontface="Helvetica Regular"/>
  <Bold fontface="Helvetica Bold"/>
  <Italic fontface="Helvetica Italic"/>
  <BoldItalic fontface="Helvetica Bold Italic"/>

This font family can now be accessed like this:

<Textblock fontfamily="Title">

See also

The section about Using fonts and the command <DefineFontalias> as well as <LoadFontfile>.