Running the speedata publisher on the command line

The speedata Publisher is started via the command line (also: terminal, command window). On the one hand there are commands, on the other hand the commands can be controlled via parameters.

$ sp <Command> <Parameter> <Parameter> ...
On Windows/PowerShell you have to run sp.exe since sp is an internal command of PowerShell.

The default command is run. So the call of

$ sp

the same as

$ sp run

Besides the command run there are other commands (see below).


$ sp --help

you can display a list of the allowed commands and parameters.

Description of the commands


Deletes all generated intermediate files and keeps the PDF file.


Removes files from the image cache.


Recursively check a directory for layout changes. See the topic about quality assurance.


Opens the reference manual in the browser (local HTML files).


Lists all font files found in the Publisher directories. Together with --xml this command allows to copy&paste the output into the layout rules. See Using fonts.


Create simple layout and data file to start. Provide optional directory.


Start publishing (default).


Run as http-api server on localhost port 5266 (configure with --address and --port). See the chapter Server mode (REST API).


Start watchdog / hotfolder. See Starting the Publisher via the Hotfolder.

Description of the commandline parameters

-h, --help

Show this help


Address to be used for the server mode. Defaults to


Open the PDF file. Can be set in the How to configure the speedata publisher.


Use cache method. One of none, fast or optimal. Default is optimal.

-c, --config=NAME

Read the config file with the given NAME. Default: publisher.cfg


Show credits and exit


Display cutmarks in the document


Name of the XML data file. Defaults to data.xml. Use - for STDIN (only 1 run possible).


Don’t read a data file, use <data /> as input

-x, --extra-dir=DIR

Additional directory for file search.


Add this file to the layout file. Not supported with the new XPath module. Use xinclude instead.


Run Lua filter before publishing starts


Display background grid. Disable with --no-grid


Ignore case when accessing files (on a case-insensitive file system) in the recursive file lookup.


Set the image cache


Set the path to the inkscape program


The name of the resulting PDF file (without extension), default is publisher


Add local directory to the search path. Default is true


Name of the layout file. Defaults to layout.xml


Logfile for server mode. Default publisher.protocol. Use STDOUT for standard output and STDERR for standard error.


Set the log level to one of debug, info, message, warn and error. Messages from this level and above are written to the protocol file.


The document’s main language in locale format, for example en or en_US.


Set mode. Multiple modes given in a comma separated list. See Control of the layout when calling the Publisher.


Set a specific option that has no command line parameter.


Copy PDF and protocol to this directory.


Set the PDF version. Default is 1.7.


Add this file in front of the layout file. Not supported with the new XPath module. Use xinclude instead.


Port to be used for the server mode. Defaults to 5266


Run publisher in silent mode


Number of publishing runs


The first page number


Show the allocated grid cells

-s, --suppressinfo

Suppress optional information (timestamp) and use a fixed document ID


Use system fonts (not Win XP)


Use this directory instead of the system temporary directory


Show debug messages and some tracing PDF output


Exit after SEC seconds

-v, --var=VAR=VALUE

Set a variable for the publishing run


Set variables for the publishing run from a file with each line containing key=value pairs. Lines starting with a # are ignored.


Print the messages from the log file to standard out.


Show version information


Change working directory


Set the XML and XPath parser to one of luxor or lxpath. Default is 'lxpath'. The old luxor is less robust and has fewer capabilities.


Output as (pseudo-)XML (for list-fonts)