
Define text formatting instructions. A textformat is used to align and indent text and create margins and rules before and after the text.

Child elements


Parent elements

AtPageCreation, AtPageShipout, Case, Contents, ForAll, Include, Layout, Loop, Otherwise, Record, SavePages, Until, While


alignment (optional)

Determines the formatting of the text. It defaults to justified.


Textblock has a rectangular shape.


The text is ragged at the right margin.


The text is ragged right at the left margin.


The text is ragged at the left and the right margin.


The text is ragged at the right margin for left-to-right texts and at the left margin for right-to-left texts.


The text is ragged at the left margin for left-to-right texts and at the right margin for right-to-left texts.

border-bottom (length, optional)

The thickness of the rule below the text.

border-top (length, optional)

The thickness of the rule above the text.

break-before (optional, since version 4.21.15)

Force break before the text. This only works within an Output container.


Default: don’t force a page break.


Force page break above

break-below (optional)

(Dis-)Allow break below the text. This only works within an Output container.


Allow a break below this text (default).


Prevent a page break below this text.

column-padding-top (optional, since version 3.2.1)

The height of the padding that is inserted in a column (at the top) with Output/Text.

fill-last-line (0 up to 100, optional, since version 3.3.11)

Ensure the length of the last line in a paragraph. Values from 0 (no change) to 100 (last line is full). Handle with care. Default is 0.

html-vertical-spacing (optional, since version 4.1.6)

Set the vertical spacing for HTML contents. Defaults to “off”.


Allow each vertical spacing.


Discard first and last vertical spacing.


Ignore all vertical spacing.

hyphenate (optional)

Enable or disable hyphenation (default: on).


Enable hyphenation (default).


Disable hyphenation.

hyphenchar (text, optional)

The character used for hyphenation (default: -)

indentation (length, optional)

The amount of indentation.

margin-bottom (length, optional)

Distance between the bottom rule and the text of the next paragraph.

margin-top (length, optional)

Distance between the top rule and the text of the previous paragraph.

margin-top-box-start (optional, since version 3.9.7)

The top margin at the beginning of a page or column with Output. Defaults to the value of margin-top.

name (text)

Name of the textformat that is used later in the layout.

orphan (yesnonumber, optional)

If yes, allow orphans (first line of paragraph is on the previous page). If you provide a number, it is the number of lines that must be kept together. Default: no.

padding-top (length, optional)

Distance between the top of the text and the top rule.

rows (number, optional)

The number of rows with indentation given in the attribute indentation. If the number is negative, this determines the number of rows that are not indented.

tab (optional, since version 3.1.5)

What to do on the tab (\& #09;) character.


Use tab as space


Use tab as a stretching space

widow (yesnonumber, optional)

If yes, allow widows (last line of paragraph is on the next page). If you provide a number, it is the number of lines that must be kept together. Default: no.


The textformats text, centered, left and right are predefined. They stand for justified, centered, left aligned and right aligned text.

Indentation with negative values for rows do not work with HTML text.


<DefineTextformat name="text with indentation" alignment="justified" indentation="1cm"/>

<Record element="...">
    <Textblock textformat="text with indentation">
      <Value>Text ...</Value>

See also

The section about Text formats.