
Manipulate an object’s appearance by applying a matrix. See the PDF reference 4.2.2 Common Transformations and following.

#Child elements

Barcode, Box, Circle, Frame, Image, Rule, Table, Textblock, Transformation

#Parent elements

Case, Clip, ForAll, Frame, Loop, Otherwise, Overlay, PlaceObject, Position, Transformation, Until, While


flip (optional, since version 4.19.37)

Flip object.


Flip object horizontally (left becomes right)


Mirror object on the vertical axes (top/bottom)


Flip object on both axes


Don’t flip the object

matrix (text, optional)

The transformation matrix for the object. Expected is a space separated string of six values.

origin-x (text, optional)

The origin for matrix transformation. Must be left, center or right or a number from 0 to 100 (0 = left, 100 = right).

origin-y (text, optional)

The vertical origin for the matrix transformation. Must be top, center or bottom or a number from 0 to 100 (0 = top, 100 = bottom).


<Record element="data">
    <Transformation matrix="1 0 0 1 72 -72">
      <Transformation matrix="1 0 0 0.5 0 0" origin-x="100">
        <Transformation matrix="1 1 -1 1 0 0">
          <Image file="_samplea.pdf" maxwidth="4" maxheight="4"/>

#See also

The section about <Transformation> in the basics chapter.